Friday, June 28, 2013

Reflection: Samantha Romito

We have now been here 7 days; I have had an amazing time and learned so much.  When I first arrived I saw poverty and an opposite way of life compared to the standards we are used to.  The trash and smell is something that is un-comprehensible.  Most buildings are not finished and the market is shacks on the side of the road.  There is so much need. 

We had the pleasure of staying EBAC and understanding how well they have it (for Haiti standards) and hanging out with the kids.   They just want to build a lasting relationship and have someone love them, even if it’s only a week at a time. I got to know Tamara, she is 17 and in 6th grade.  She came to EBAC a couple years ago because her father passed away.  Her mother is not able to provide for her so she had to come.  It is interesting talking to her about her future, and the Haitian way of life.  She takes care of many other children and is very mature.  We talk a lot about the similarities of life, and had many laughs.  It is truly humbling for me to see people to have so little yet be so fulfilled. 

Visiting Peace and Joy is when reality hit me in the face.  I realized the children do not have the basic necessities of life.  They are not guaranteed food every day.  The youngest did not know how to use a toilet when we were at the beach and the oldest girls are not provided with woman necessities.  These children are just so hungry for relationships, love, and fun.  One little boy, Rolex, just wanted me to kick the ball with him all the time.  He was just so happy to have someone spend some time with him and kick the ball the way he wanted to.   I was honored to be able to share the love of Jesus with the children.  Our team only started the help they will need.  I was so saddened when our truck pulled away from them yesterday.  They did not want us to leave and some of the littlest ones cried.  All I could think about was about what their future may not be.  It is great to know that we will pray for them and know it is in the Lords hands that they will be provided for. 

The more time I spend here the more I see their way of life.  Our last ride down the road I saw people not poverty.  The lord has moved my heart and opened my eyes to have compassion for the people of Haiti.  I am so thankful for the time I was able to spend here! 

1 comment:

  1. a nice reflection, I know you have met a lot of kids and now have a lot that you can call your friends. Looks like the one in the picture is one of them. all that you have done in the past week has made a difference in their lives and probally yours. you are a special person to be able to serve the Lord the way you all did this past week. thank you for sharing
